I finally made the arrangements to have this surgery to remove my Jo and Angela's (tumors). To be perfectly honest, I am a nervous wreck. To let you inside my mind a little and show you HOW my thought process gets out of hand, I have included a couple of photos.
THIS- Is a picture of what my doctor looks like. She has such a kind, warm, welcoming face.
THIS, is what I dream of.... Edward Scissorhands chopping up mah lady parts.
Final Thought: I am scared shitless.
My partner had a partial hysterectomy because she had so many fibroid tumors on her uterus and on her one ovary. Her uterus was bigger than a football. She was in surgery for a bit over an hour. She was fine, just some cramping and pain, which they gave her meds for. You'll be fine, hang in there! Try not to stress the night before surgery...
FAAAAWWWWWWWKKKKKK! Nobody gets inside MY lady parts without buying me a few shots of Grey Goose. And they sure as shit ain't coming at me with a scalpel. :(
Good luck. Tell em to take GOOD CARE of your kitty!
When is the surgery? I MUST speak w. you. Suffice it to say, I know EXACTLY what you are going through.
I have something called PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). A couple of years ago I had to have a cervical biopsy. It was an in the office procedure. It was torture actually. The dr, a man, tells me as I am there (my old fat self) on his table in a paper gown barely big enough for my right ass check, never mind the rest of me, that this wont hurt. He then sticks an effin needle in my vajayjay cave and stab me with it...He then scraps the hell out of my poor helpless cervix with a sword, well maybe is was a scalpel but it sure as fuck felt like a sword...The he says he's done and "there, that wasn't so bad was it?" Hello!!!???
Ok, so I am telling you this to sympathize, but also because my biopsy was normal and I am going to keep everything crossed that yours is too. And I love you!!! HUGE HUGS!!!
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